Dementia is a term for several diseases that affect memory, thinking, and the ability to perform daily activities. The illness gets worse over time. It mainly affects older people but not all people will get it as they age.
Are you afraid of getting dementia? Someone in the world is diagnosed with dementia every 3 seconds.
It’s going to get worse. In 2021 it was forecast that global dementia cases would triple by 2050.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) more than 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Every year, there are nearly 10 million new cases. Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases. Dementia is currently the seventh leading cause of death and one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older people globally.
Recent polls suggest that dementia has become the most feared health condition among people over the age of 50. They even fear it more than heart disease, cancer and stroke.
It may be that the wonders of heart bypass surgery, drugs and chemotherapy mean we feel that something can be done if we develop any of those.
Cancer? Cancers that used to be incurable are now curable. Many people return to a full life after a cancer diagnosis. It’s amazing how much cancer treatment has improved and will continue to improve.
Strokes? There are now drugs that can dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow to the brain. And other drugs that can reduce the chances of a further stroke.
Heart disease? Surgeons can now do amazing things, restoring blood supply to the heart by replacing blocked coronary arteries, replacing a damaged heart valve or regulating an abnormal heart rhythm.
Dementia? People know there’s no cure for that. Yes, there’s medication that can help, but there’s no cure. There’s no return to normal life, just a slow, inexorable downward path. No wonder people fear dementia so much.
The implication of what you read and hear is often that dementia just happens to some unfortunate people. This is true for a very small minority of people. But the vast majority of us can take positive action to reduce our chances of suffering from dementia.
The charity Alzheimer’s Research UK says on its website:
“In fact, the latest evidence suggests that up to 45% of all cases of dementia are linked to factors we may be able to influence.
“If that’s news to you, you’re not alone. Only a third of people in the UK realise that it’s possible to reduce their dementia risk.”
The research shows categorically that most of us can avoid dementia or at the very least delay its onset to later in our lives.
It’s an exciting thought – this illness that so many fear is almost certainly not beyond your control
How to avoid dementia
Back in 2017, a team of researchers published a landmark report. After looking over decades of meticulous research, they’d concluded that there was sufficient evidence that dementia was linked to nine lifestyle and environmental risk factors.
Three years later, in 2020, the researchers updated their report in light of new evidence, adding three new risk factors to the list, and suggesting that around 40% of cases were linked to these so-called ‘modifiable’ risk factors.
In 2024 the list of confirmed dementia risk factors was increased to 14.
The 14 risk factors are:
- Quality of education in early life
- Social isolation
- Air pollution
- Traumatic brain injury
- Hearing loss
- Depression
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Physical inactivity
- Smoking
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Uncorrected vision loss
- High cholesterol
It may be too late to do anything about some of them – your educational level in early life or a traumatic brain injury, but many of the others can be modified.
Taken together, the researchers calculate that these 14 risk factors account for almost half (45%) of all dementia cases around the world.
“It gives hope and well-researched examples that show it’s never too late to make changes, and that even small ones can make a big difference to quality of life as we age. I was totally inspired by it”

It may be too late to do anything about some of them – your educational level in early life or a traumatic brain injury, but many of the others can be modified.
Changing your lifestyle can seem difficult, but it is so worthwhile. Don’t feel you have to do it all at once to achieve anything. Make small sustainable changes.
My book “190 Weight Loss Hacks: How To Lose Weight Naturally And Permanently Without Stress” offers simple changes you can make that will help you lose weight and keep it off in a sustainable way.
My book “Health & Wellbeing on a Budget: Simple and Affordable Strategies for a Healthier, Happier You” offers you just that – ways to get healthier and happier without having to spend lots of money.
Many of the healthy lifestyle changes you make will leave you feeling happier as well as healthier. Research has shown categorically that eating healthy foods has a direct and positive effect on your mood. Regular exercise has also been shown to help alleviate depression and anxiety.
Just get started and make some changes, knowing you are reducing your chances of developing dementia.
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