For Journalists

Welcome, Journalists!

Thank you for considering featuring me in your work. I’m committed to being a reliable, articulate, and inspiring source who brings more than just self-promotion to the table. I understand the demands of your profession and the importance of delivering valuable content that resonates with your audience.

Whether you’re looking for an insightful quote, a fresh perspective, or a compelling story, I aim to contribute meaningfully to your work. I pride myself on being responsive, professional, and easy to work with, ensuring our collaboration is seamless and adds genuine value to your piece.

I aim to inspire others by living a lifestyle that reflects health, positivity, and the power of embracing each stage of life. I’m in my seventies so I have a real perspective for how that can be a happy, healthy and exciting time.

Here are some story suggestions

but I’m really happy to consider anything!

  • Strength training for older women: I’m passionate about staying strong and fit as I age, showing that it’s never too late to embrace weight training and feel empowered.
  • Healthy aging with positivity: I believe in living a vibrant, joyful life no matter your age, focusing on staying active, nurturing a positive mindset, and making the most of every day.
  • I’m in my seventies, but I don’t feel invisible: people of all ages want to talk to me. I’m happy to talk to you about why that is.
  • Real-world tips for lasting weight loss: I’ve discovered practical, lesser-known strategies that make maintaining a healthy weight achievable, without sacrificing the things you love.
  • Social media savvy seniors: I have Instagram and YouTube channels. I volunteer at my local Oxfam shop, adding donated items to the online shop. I learnt WordPress in order to create this website.
  • Being vegan in my seventies: There aren’t many of us, but it is wonderful to be considered as “cool” by all the younger vegan activists I know. They often struggle with parents and grandparents who “just don’t get it”.
  • The advantages of volunteering as you age: The research says it – I can share that with you if you wish. I volunteer in my local Oxfam shop twice a week and it enriches my life so much.
  • Around half of people over 65 are afraid of falling. I’m not: I’m not, because I weight train which reduces my chances of falling. It also reduces my chances of injuring myself if I do fall.

Examples of where I’ve been featured

My books